To the mom who loves coffee and wine


To the mom who loves coffee and wine,

Yes you are putting caffeine and a depressant in your body but hey, it’s OK, I get it.  It may not be coffee but you need something to kick start your day.  You don’t abuse it but in order for you to function in the morning and actually go to sleep at night, coffee and wine makes it that much easier.  In the morning you can’t just slowly wake up…the minute your eyes open and your head takes that first lift off the pillow it’s about to be GO TIME until 9:00 pm.  You wake up thinking of all the things that need to get done rather than taking a moment and relaxing before you start your day.  You take a whopping 10 minute shower if that and get ready just so you can get downstairs to prepare breakfast and start packing lunches.  Then there are those days where you totally forgot it was your turn to bring something to your kid’s school and have to rush to the grocery store while your kids shove breakfast down their throat in the car.  You finally get to work of course running into your office to find your day full of meetings and a ridiculous number of emails in your inbox.

After your nonstop workday you rush back to school to get the kids while trying to figure out dinner and get them to activities on time.  Those days where you realize you forgot to wash their soccer uniform or totally forgot to pack swim trunks…uggh…those are the worst!  You end up giving yourself the “shitty mom of the year” award.   After activities are done, you feel the pressure of making sure you put a healthy meal on the table for your family, so of course you stress yourself out more.  Dinner is finally done but the day isn’t over!  It’s time to spend time with the kids, give baths and bedtime stories!

You have come to grips at this point you haven’t spent a minute with your husband much less taken anytime for yourself so I want to let you know you DESERVE your glass of wine at the end of the day.  You put your family’s needs before yours everyday because that is how we are built as moms.  So to the mom who loves coffee and wine..pour yourself that glass of Pinot or Cabernet at the end of the day, put your feet up and have an adult conversation, tell yourself you kicked ass today, even if your eyes close 15 minutes later.  I get you!  It helps…so to those of you who judge us…our glass of wine works for us….take that time you are judging to find something that works for you.

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