funny parenting quote

10 funny parenting quotes that every mom needs to hear

This whole parenting thing is pretty wild because you get to a point where you can honestly look back and laugh at those times where you thought it was literally 🙂 Rather than being ashamed of those ridiculous moments (that we all go through), why not share them and laugh (maybe drink a glass of wine) together!

No matter what age your kids are, there are always going to be those “moments.”  You feel like you are failing, that you just need to get away for a few days or have yourself asking..”why me, is my kid the only one who does this?”  That is a big NO!  Every single day we each experience those moments with our kids but you know what helps?  Texting a mommy friend and just ask for her to share a “moment”…bet you it may just be what you need and it may even top  yours!

My kids are now 5 and almost 8 and when I look back to the toddler years, I love remembering when they sneakily broke into a cabinet even after I safety locked it or when every inch of their bodies were covered in baby powder  – I literally turned around for just a few seconds! Not sure how much I miss the no sleep for 8 months or the pumping at 3am every night, but I guess that comes with the package.

Now we are in the phase of stronger personalities and attitudes so more posts to come on how to deal and parenting tips.  Right now, I’m not finding myself  laughing at these moments, but thinking 5 years from now, I most definitely will.

Because that’s the thing…these are all precious, fleeting moments.  And it goes by too, way too fast. We need to pause to reflect, remember, smile and for sanity, we need to LAUGH. And these quotes, they certainly will take care of that…enjoy, mommas!

funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes



funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes


funny parenting quotes

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