parenting books that you should check out

We were recently asked about our parenting books of choice.  Here are just a few that we have come to rely on.  Take a look at our recommendations and don’t forget to comment on which parenting books you’ve really loved too!

– Chai Mommas


The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau

This book has so much information, you feel like an expert parent once you read it.  The author’s mentality of parenting makes any new mom feel like she can handle any situation. In the book, they follow the philosophy that “a problem is nothing more than a situation calling for a creative solution.”

The Baby Whisperer

This is so true.  Every child is different and every mom has different parenting techniques.  The book includes helpful charts about how much your child should be eating, standard growth rates, sleeping and more.  My favorite part of the book is when the author uses the acronym E.A.S.Y. meaning “Eat”, having some “Activity”, going to “Sleep” which leaves a bit of time for “You”.  It’s a great book that helps new parents answer questions about anything related to parenting! 



Raising Baby Green by Alan Greene

I love this book. I wasn’t into reading a ton of parenting books while pregnant since I don’t like preachy advice and feel I do better with my own intuition and by asking trusted girlfriends who talk from experience, like my chai mommas 😉

Raising Baby Green

But I did want to just have a reference as an eco-momma and with all the chemicals and environmental hazards out there, staying green while raising Laila is very important to me. This book is not at all preachy, easy to read and a wonderful source of info for anyone, not only parents!  From painting your walls to laundry detergents, it allows you to “green proof” your house while nesting and beyond. I even slipped a copy into chai momma Neesha’s baby shower gift, since it makes a really fun present to pair with other organic goodies.



The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp 

Like Puja, I didn’t really get into that whole notion of reading all these parenting, baby books to prepare for the arrival of Jai.  Just wanted to go with my gut, my intuition and motherly feeling on how to handle most situations.  But  when Jai starting going through this period of crying every night at exactly 7pm for an hour straight, I pulled this book out from my bookshelf and read it from page 1 to page 260.  I needed to know how to make it stop!

Happiest Baby on the Block

I’m happy to report that by following some of the steps that Dr. Karp outlines like the “5 S’s” which are five easy methods to turn on your baby’s calming reflex especially for colicky babies…we were able to end the cycle of crying.  I like his style of writing, it’s a fun book and easy to read.  He provided simple tools that you can put into practice immediately.  It’s a fascinating perspective for new parents and I think serves as a great guide especially in the beginning when you’re all just trying to figure out how to be a  happy family!



What to Expect The First Year, 2nd Edition by Sandee Hathaway

I used this book as a quick reference book for my kids.  It is a great resource for parenting advice.  Plus, it’s very easy to read since the sections are simple and to the point.  It has chapters that you can read month to month for your baby.  This book was my go to reference when my kids were growing up in their first year.

what to expect

It gave me answers for why my son had cradle cap and what I could do to get rid of it…to when should I start cereal or solids and nursing tips, vaccine information and diaper rash remedies.  I know this book is a little older, but it’s still incredibly informative.

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