tips for working from home moms

Recently, I became a ‘working from home mom’ again by designating time each week where I wouldn’t go into the office. What this has done for me, I can’t even begin to articulate. Not having to get majorly ready in the mornings, being able to multi task with chores that I used to spend hours at night doing or which gobbled up valuable weekend family time, ordering my own Office Supplies and not having to put up with poor quality supplies …having dinner prepared for that night and maybe even the next two nights too!! I also found out that for people who work at home, if 20% of their home is taken over by their office they could also take a look at using business energy instead of domestic energy. It does depend on how much you actually do business at home but if you take a look at something like Simply Switch to see if this could help you out with your home business.


Yes, this has been an invaluable treat. There are ups and downs to this type of set up though. And in prepping myself mentally for what was to come…I came across several posts on the blogosphere that are worth reading if you are contemplating working from home (with or without the kids around). Good luck mommas!


10 Tips for Work at Home Moms

These are awesome tips from mom, Molly Thornberg, who keeps it short and sweet. She’s been working from home for over ten years and has four kids. She’s should get an award just for that…just sayin’!

20 Productivity Tips for Work at Home Moms of Young Children

Way helpful tips from a working from home mom who struggled to find her own tips from other working mothers when she searched online. So she basically shares what’s really worked for her to be the most productive at home while working too, whether that’s working a conventional job or playing the stock market. You’ll need to be productive to get the most out of those nio shares, and the others out there, after all!

Time Management Tips

More tips on time management and increasing productivity since it’s hard to stay on task at home. These are strictly ways to save time and manage your day, so you are super efficient.

Tips from Career Contessa

As Career Contessa says, “Juggling work and family isn’t easy – especially not under one roof.’ Here, this mom shares six easy tips to balance both for those moms who work from home.

20 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Work-From-Home Parent

This is a great post…keeping it very real that working from isn’t always the easiest choice. In fact, I only enjoy it now that both my boys are in school full time. I wish I had to home theater to keep them busy sometimes but I do love them so much. I didn’t even like it when my nanny was taking care of the littlest one…because it still was too distracting and I just didn’t feel as productive unless he was napping or at the playground. As the author Michelle Horton says, “While telecommuting and freelancing allows more flexibility to design a work schedule around our lives (something that past generations of mothers never had), it’s not exactly the golden ticket to work-life equilibrium. In fact, some might find it harder than physically going to an office every day.”

Survival Tips for Working from Home Moms

Working from home mommy Raj, shares her top 5 survival tips. These are particularly for summer when kids are home…but I think they apply to whenever kids are home on breaks or even unexpectedly while you’re home working.

Working from Home with a Nanny

Our own Chai Momma Neesha gives mommas out there that work from home with a nanny in the house some really helpful tips to make that situation work well for everyone and shares all her secrets for creating a successful environment that’s now worked for her twice over.

1 Comment

  • Raj

    This is a great round-up with lots of great tips for work at home moms. Thank you so much for including my post!

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