gardening teaches children life lessons

“If you teach children how to care for a garden, then you are teaching them something that applies to the rest of the world.”

-Nancy Sanders-

Lately my 4 year old has been so interested in gardening and there have been many days where she’s been trying to convince me to get a wooden garden shed. Never really thought about it before, but we do actually need some storage space for the gardening tools and everything else, so this may not be such a bad idea! She’s been asking a lot of questions such as where do vegetables and fruit grow? How do they grow? What do they eat? So I thought why not get her and my son a small garden starter kit where they can see the vegetable/fruit grow. I searched the web and ended up looking at websites from lawn care kentucky listings because they provided some insight into garden care, but the kits were way too intricate for their age or just too expensive. I was at our local grocery store (Sprouts) a few weeks ago, and I came across this organic garden starter kit. It was inexpensive and perfect for them. This project teaches children real life lessons by teaching them how seeds grow as we humans grow.

The kit includes the following:

  • 2 biodegradable planting pots
  • Seeds of Change organic carrot and lettuce seeds
  • Organic growing mix
  • Recyclable windowsill protector tray
  • 1-2-3- day grow guide

* An awesome kit that includes everything to make your life easier!

My children were able to plant their own little pots with soil and seeds

They poured water into the potted seeds and “Voila”! They will watch their plants grow 🙂

Benefits of Growing a Garden With Your Children:

(some things you can explain to your children while you are planting your garden)

  • The benefits of having your children plant or grow flowers with you are very valuable.
  • Gardening helps children learn life lessons and being friendly to the earth.
  • Planting seeds teach your children patience, by watching the plants grow.
  • Along with fun and getting dirty , gardening helps children learn the process of growing and helps develop the nurturing of life.
  • Watching the cycle of a plant helps children understand the life cycle step by step.
  • Children understand where food comes from when you garden with them.
  • If you start your children early with their green thumbs, it can encourage them to eat their fruits and vegetables.
  • Just being outdoors with you kids is always good!
  • They will gain knowledge on different types of fruits and vegetables. They will be able to identify what they eat.
  • Having your child label the pots can help them identify which plant is what, plus your child can practice writing the vegetable or fruit you have planted (great practice for older kids).
  • Once plants are sprouted, you can have your child help you transfer the plants into a bigger pot and explain that we as human grow in size, so do plants with nourishment.
  • Gardening builds responsibility, which teaches children to take care of things.

Happy Gardening

*If your local grocery store or home garden store do not sell this kit you can purchase it from this site by clinking on the picture:

Item Photo

*If you liked this post check out our previous post on Chai Mommas: The Lorax and a Lesson Being on Earth Friendly which teaches children about how precious our earth is.

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