books for siblings of special needs kids
Recently, I was at my son’s school and talking with one of his classmate’s mom. We were chatting about the challenges of having multiple kids so close in age.
8 summer activities to keep your kids busy
It is hard to believe that another school year has come and gone. It feels like it just started!! Summer is right around the corner and I have been busy the last couple months rese
a moms real story about her depression
One of our mommy followers recently approached us and asked if she could write about her experience with postpartum depression. She never thought she would be able to open up about
mother’s day brunch recipe: egg croissant sandwich with strawberries
It’s Christine…Chaimommas awesome guest blogger! I wanted to share a very easy Mother’s Day Recipe that you will love! Strawberries and croissants are so fabulo
going green for mother’s day
Just a few more days until Mother’s Day. And we’ve been thinking that many of the mommas in our lives including the four of us love the idea of less is more and bein
kid friendly chicken sliders
Looking for a quick recipe where the whole family will enjoy? Nipa who enjoys cooking and has shared her recipes on Chai Mommas has another good one and has a new recipe that is ki
balancing your family life with a travelling spouse
My husband and I are both very career oriented. We love what we do and we love making ourselves better at it every day. I used to travel every month before we started a family and
tips on helping your child get their homework done
I think it is pretty safe to say that we all have those days where you cannot get your child to sit still and focus, even if it is only a brief period of time. There are days where
egg muffins: healthy recipe on-the-go for the whole family
I don’t know about you, but I hardly have time in the morning to mess with anything difficult for breakfast especially on weekdays. At work one day, one of my co-workers warmed s
on-the-go healthy snacks for kids
Kids like snacks. I make it my job to provide my son with a variety of snack options. At the house, my go-to snacks (in no particular order) are: 1) fruits 2) vegetables 3) organic