morning sickness and some remedies
With both of my pregnancies I have had morning sickness and it was miserable I mean MISERABLE!! Did not want get out of bed, felt like eating nothing, felt nauseous all the time, had dry heaving, and just could not think! How many of you ladies have gone through some of these similar symptoms? And how did you feel? Not good right, well here are few remedies I tried that helped me with morning sickness.
So what is morning sickness? Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting that many women have during pregnancy. Symptoms are different for everyone women, it can be mild or severe. Even though it is called “morning sickness”, it does not mean that you only get it in the morning, you can get it throughout the day. Morning sickness usually fades away during your 2nd trimester for some women.
So what can I do to help morning sickness?
Here is a list of things I tried that helped with my symptoms:
– Eating as soon as I felt hungry or even before I felt hungry. Having food in my body helped so much then having nothing! Plus this can lead to feeling very weak. I know it’s like how can you even think of food when you are feeling nauseous. But you know what, having food in your body does help, it can be light snacks throughout the day such as: crackers, bread, low-fat yogurt, anything with a lot of protein and carbohydrates but not a lot of foods with fat. Eating a cracker before you get out of bed always helps in the morning.
– FLUIDS yes it is a plus; you need to stay hydrated because you do not want to be dehydrated. Of course water is the best, but when you are feeling nauseous I know water is not appealing. But, try drinking cold clear beverages such as ginger ale, sprite, something fizzy or sour always helped me. Some other drinks that helped me were also, Gatorade and Powerade anything that has electrolytes is always good for dehydration. The key is not to get dehydrated!! It is not good for you and your baby.
– Eating ginger helps the nausea. Anything with ginger such as, fresh ginger and hot water, ginger candy, and dried ginger. I used Preggie Pops (which had ginger) when I was pregnant with my daughter and it eased my queasy feeling.
– Taking your pre-natal vitamins at bedtime with a snack then in the morning helped me. I took my vitamins in the morning and it made me so uncomfortable so I then ended up taking them before bed and felt much better in the morning. Taking vitamins on an empty stomach does not help the morning sickness, make sure to take your vitamins with some kind of food.
– I used the Sea-Band with my son which helped with my nausea. I wore it throughout my first trimester and it helped, its a drug free nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness relief band. It helps relief motion sickness, morning sickness and cancer nausea and vomiting, Sea-Band provides a drug free choice without causing drowsiness or other side effects. They come in different colors and can wear throughout the day. The pressure from the band helps with the nausea.
– Try avoiding things that make you nauseous. Avoiding things that make you feel nauseous such as stuffy rooms, certain smells, hot places, and loud noises or certain foods. I remember when I was pregnant with my son; I could not stand spicy food (Indian food) it just made me vomit every time I ate it. With my daughter the smell of Thai food did something to me. It’s so weird how every pregnancy is different…..
– Last but not least, you can always get a prescribed medication for the nausea and vomiting. There are meds that are safe for you to take while you are pregnant. I know a lot of my friends who took medication for morning sickness because that was their last resort and they felt much better.
So here are a few remedies I tried when I was having morning sickness. Hang in there, at the end it is all worth it! Having that bundle of joy is DEFINITELY worth all the symptoms you have during your pregnancy
What other remedies did you use when you had morning sickness?
Great tips Reena! I got acupuncture done for morning sickness and it worked like a miracle! Stay tuned for my post on acupuncture 🙂
Mili Shah
Hi Reena!
That’s a great post! Very helpful! Acupuncture did wonders for my friends in combination with drinking ginger tea through the day. I never thought to use a motion sickness band, which makes complete sense because it uses the acupuncture point specific for nausea! Thank you for sharing!
although i didnt have morning sickness…i definitely didn’t like how my prenatals made me feel. so like you, i took them at night right before bed. problem solved!