to the mom who is trying to do it all
The other night I went to bed probably feeling the most exhausted I have felt in a really long time. Not only was my body physically exhausted, my mind just wanted to shut down.
adopting lucy: one mom’s journey
Breanna is a good friend of one the Chai Mommas. This post is to inspire families out there that are wanting to adopt. Breanna and her husband have always talked about adopting
losing that pregnancy weight: every little bit counts
Hello Chai Momma readers! My name is Parita, and I’m the blogger behind My Inner Shakti. I am so excited to connect with all of you today!
ruptured ectopic pregnancy: 14 signs and symptoms
A little over four weeks ago, I experienced a very scary situation. I didn’t have any idea I was pregnant and suffered a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The strange part is, I
picky vs. problem eating in toddlers
Any parent of a toddler can tell you that almost all children go through a picky eating phase. Those peas and carrots your 1-year- old practically begged for are now your
6 tips on building a sibling bond
Raksha Bhandan, which in our culture is a celebration of love and bond between a brother and sister. This got to me thinking about how lucky my kids are to have a close bo
gentle chiropractic care during pregnancy
During my own pregnancy, I had seen first hand how chiropractic care had helped with another pregnant girlfriend, so towards the end of my term, I opted to see a friend of mine for
10 quick mommy and child exercises at home
For me, doing yoga alongside my little one has been my routine ever since she was born. Nowadays, my two-year old will invert into downward dog and clasp her hands together in mou
easy cheesy cashew cheese recipe
Ok so my hubby doesn’t do that well with cheese. It’s not like he doesn’t like it…but eating it always seems to be followed by a bit of congestion fo