Moms night out: 5 alternatives to dinner & drinks
Don’t get me wrong. I love dinner and drinks with my girls. We talk, eat an actual sit down uninterrupted meal, get to unwind…all without hearing “mommy” on repeat 209 times, all without breaking up a fight between siblings, all without random snots on my shirt or spit up in my hair. (although I admit, I did show up to a dinner party on date night and had a My Little Pony sticker in my hair almost the whole night)
But while sunny SoCal has been my home for the last decade, I’m a New Yorker at heart. On my down time with friends during my Manhattan days, I used to go to authors’ book readings and artist street fairs, concerts in the park (or subway platforms) and museum events. That was me pre-kids. So when I plan GNO with my ladies now, I started feeling like sometimes it’s nice to do something different.
Here are 5 options I just love if you are like me and want a little change to the wining and dining with your mommy friends:
1. Book Club. Not only is it a guarantee to GNO, it’s like killing 2 birds with one stone and the multi-tasker in me loves that. I get to hang with some fabulous ladies, have great conversation over tea, wine, dinner or dessert and read good books…my fave past time.
2. Take a class together. Something you never would otherwise. Whether it’s a pottery class, a stand up paddle board yoga class (that’s next on my list) or even an improv class, (I was surprised how much fun I had at that), make it memorable with a unique activity. (Side note- my husband and I have been doing that for date night too and it’s been great, this Friday we have a couples FLOAT booked)
3. Go to the theater. Book a Broadway show or see the ballet. It doesn’t have to break the bank…find an local theater group that’s doing their rendition of Phantom of the Opera. Because let’s face it, most theaters do not allow children, even the kid themed Broadway shows have a minimum age limit, and if you have babies or young toddlers, you never get to do this. Plus if your hubby is like mine, he’s just not that into theater. He once took me to see the Nutcracker in New York City and fell asleep! So go with your girls because together, you can appreciate the art behind it and get to hold hands and cry or laugh together at the climax. And unlike a movie that you can grab on Netflix later, a show is something you can only see live.
4. Go to a concert. Rock out to your fave artist and dance the night away together without having to be at a club with a DJ and surrounded by 21 year olds.
5. Spa. Yes…mmmm the spa. It doesn’t even have to be fancy shmancy one. Us Chai Mommas recently went to this huge Asian spa and loved it. (just be in the know that it’s a very unique experience…comment below if you want details on ours and I can tell you).
And if it’s been forever since you’ve gotten together with your girls, then go ahead…Plan it now. You need it momma, and you will be so much of a better mom, (heck a better you), if you give yourself the time to relax and kick back with your friends who just get it.
Yes details on the spa please–and I want to hear all about your float experience too! I have heard good things but haven’t tried it yet.
I want to know about the Asian spa ?